December 26, 2012

Looks a lot Like Xmas

We got a whiteish Christmas and a very white day-after-Christmas. So here's all my extremely classy decorations, etc.

I thought I'd be able to space these father apart. I was not.
Brain fail, I had already ordered the nintendo one, forgot and got/made this one. 
I promise I'm going to paint over the yellow soon.
Here's where the decorations became random and disconnected.

I <3 window clings.
Roommate made cookies but I insisted on one with Nutella instead of jam. 
Already enjoying this gift from one of my friends "I saw it and it looked like you, because it's pixelated."
I had to work my 2nd job xmas day but didn't have to wear my uniform so I'm calling it a win. 

1 comment :

  1. I like your selfie, very pretty. And I loved the nintendo decorations!!
