August 19, 2019

That Time I Tried NCL's Le Bistro Restaurant...

Guest column: NCL's Le Bistro Restaurant

On my cruise on the NCL Pearl... which I still have yet to post about 3 months later... I wanted to try Le Bistro out since it's the only one I didn't try on the Gem. We didn't have the Dining Package, and were paying a la carte, so we got fewer items than at other other specialty restaurants.  But we loved everything we had. 

I'm not sure we would return without the dining package just because it runs up the price of the cruise. But I do really want to try some of their dessert. Check out the tasty treats I enjoyed on Cruise Radio.

August 16, 2019

That Time I Made A Death Star...

This is another thing I tried for Plastic Free July this year... Making glue!

I used the recipe for glue from My Plastic Free Life which consists of flour, water, and hot water. But her recipe makes like a quart of glue which I do not need especially just for trying out a plastic-free thing...

August 13, 2019

That Time I Freestyled on The Norwegian Pearl...

Here are all the Freestyle Dailies for the NCL Pearl's 13-day Transatlantic NYC to Amsterdam itinerary (Cobh, Ireland; Dublin, Ireland; Le Havre, France; Tilbury, England; Zeebrugge, Belgium; ), 4/28-5/12/19...

August 10, 2019

That Time I Met Chuck...

I needed Zachary Levi's autograph. I've had this Chuck poster on my wall for like 5 years and something made me decide that it's time.
Yes, this is a screenshot from Amazon...
I didn't think to take a photo of my wall
before taking my poster down.
And no, I didn't just randomly feel the need for this one poster to be autographed, I have a wall-of-fame where I display all of my autographs from over the years. Including the people no one's heard of...

August 09, 2019

That Time I Switched to Bar Shampoo...

Yes, I already talked about this in one of my Plastic Free July posts, but I did intentionally go down the rabbit hole on this and wanted to share more. 

This switch is something everyone should do, whether it's to save money, reduce plastic, and/or to have healthier hair. Also, never worry about needing tiny bottles of shampoo and conditioner to travel with!...

August 03, 2019

That Time I Dyed My Hair...

For Plastic Free July I wanted to try Henna dye for my hair. Let's just move past the fact that I've been living a lie about the quantity of gray hair I already have. #24forever.
This is actually "Indigo," the Henna is mixed with water on the right.
I decided to try it with low expectations. I would still be using hair dye that comes in plastic, but now it comes in plastic that's recyclable and not metal tubes that are trash. And I won't need special shampoo and conditioner that also come in plastic...

August 01, 2019

That Time It Was Plastic Free July 2019 (Part 3)...

Well, I didn't do much more than I'd done for my second post. July really got away from me.

Plastic Free July is over.

I've already decided that I need to keep going in August since I didn't get to some of the stuff I wanted to. Here's how I did for July!...